Pi-Star DVMega Hotspot Build
Tuesday - August 20, 2019
I was urged by some of my HAM friends to get on other digital aside from the Allstar systems I've been on. So I put together a Raspberry Pi and DVMega based node to get on C4FM System Fusion and DMR using the Pi-Star software which can also do cross mode along with others like D-Star, P25 and NXDN. So, I did and it was a quick small project that got myself into those other digital modes!
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Worked A QSO Party Event
Sunday - August 18, 2019
I got to work a dozen stations during an event that I didn't even know was happening - QSO NA Party! Wow! It was awesome to make QSOs even with the bad conditions we are having in the low part of the solar cycle.
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EFHW 40-10: Wire Antenna roof mast and install
Tuesday - August 13, 2019
Gathered up enough courage to go on the roof and install the 20-foot-mast while there was moisture from the earlier high fog, plus 15-20MPH winds. I put the mast together from 4-foot sections and installed the guy ring and prepared the quarter inch Dacron rope for guying.
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San Francisco Marathon Volunteer
Sunday - July 28, 2019
Had the opportunity to volunteer as a HAM radio communications operator for the San Francisco Marathon as a member of the San Francisco Amateur Radio Club (SFARC). I was the dedicated emergency communications personnel for Aid Station 12 at mile 22 of the ultra marathon. I worked with the other volunteers and helped set up the tables, laid out cups for the water and set up the first aid area. I got to mainly hang out with the medical team (volunteer nurses) and the station coordinator. It was awesome to be part of the event—got to meet folks, cheered on the runners and talked to people about being an Amateur Radio Operator (HAM). Overall, it was totally cool!
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ARRL Lifetime Membership
Tuesday - July 23, 2019
Took the opportunity today to pay off the dues to become a Lifetime Member with ARRL. I was doing payments at first and paid for a regular membership for the first year, but I figured why prolong the payments if I can just finish it—so, I did.
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End Fed Half Wave 40-10: Tests and losses
Thursday - July 11, 2019
Bench tested the EFHW 40-10 transformer with a 2.5KΩ and it showed great signs of low SWR on 40M, 20M and 10M. However, installing it is a whole different story in regards to performance, plus since our property is very limited in space, I had to find solutions on how to go about deploying the antenna.
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QSL cards up and away
Monday - July 08, 2019
Sent out a bunch of QSL cards for the first time ever, to the initial 250 contacts I've made over the last few months. Who knew I made so many contacts? None-the-less out to the post office they went. Whether I get some back or not, I am just happy to make a dent in the 1,000 QSL cards I had made. 
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Making my next antenna - End Fed Half Wave 40-10
Thursday - June 20, 2019
After my experience with a magnetic loop and a vertical antenna on my roof, I realized by monitoring through websdr.org that I am missing A LOT of traffic! I started looking for solutions to receive and send better. In the end, I decided to go ahead and make an End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) 10-40 wire antenna.
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My own QSL card
Thursday - June 20, 2019
I just sent off the designs for my QSL cards to the printers. It should get here in a week or so. Now, I will be able to send them off to reciprocate the ones that are being sent to me.
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Received my first QSL card!
Wednesday - June 19, 2019
I got a nice surprise in the mail the other day—a QSL card from Steve [NA1B] for our contact on FT8. I was elated to experience a part of the HAM tradition and at the same time, I knew I had to get to work on my own QSL card so that I can reciprocate the contact confirmation.
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Web-based propagation tools
Wednesday - June 12, 2019
There are a ton of helpful websites and out of the lot, I visit to a few to get information on current HAM band conditions. One of them is called QRZnow.com, it aggregates a bunch of data from other sites. The other one, PSKreporter.com helps me when I am doing digital like FT8, to visually tell signal strength of send and receive. The last one allows me to see or rather hear phone traffic on different bands called WebSDR.com.
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My HF roof antenna is up!
Saturday - June 08, 2019
A few hours ago, a couple of friends of mine came over and helped me install my first vertical HF antenna on the roof of the QTH. It is an Alpha Antenna Promaster with an 18' vertical telescopic aluminum pole mounted on a Hy-Gain tripod mount bolted on to the roof, one NVIS element tied and isolated from a pvc vent pipe and ground clamped to the gutter.
This new addition definitely improved my receive and transmit by a lot compared to the magnetic loop antenna I was using.
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This new addition definitely improved my receive and transmit by a lot compared to the magnetic loop antenna I was using.
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Finally got on HF — FT8!
Wednesday - May 29, 2019
I finally unboxed and set up my Yaesu FT-891 and my Alpha Antenna 10M-40M Magnetic Loop tonight. Then, after a few hours of watching videos, reading articles and software setup, I took my next step into my HAM radio adventure—FT8 on HF!
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HAM Radio Propagation Forecast Alexa Skill
Saturday - May 18, 2019
I found and installed an Alexa Skill App for my Alexa-enabled device which can inform me of the signal propagation condition by basically asking, "Alexa, ask Propagation Report for band status". The Alexa device then proceeds to tell me about the conditions for band ranges. Excellent!
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Vanity Callsign Approved
Tuesday - May 14, 2019
Approximately 18 days after I filed the application, my vanity callsign got approved by the FCC. So, I'm officially switching from the sequentially issued KM6WFP to N6DOZ. Awesome!
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Cathay Luncheon
Saturday - May 11, 2019
Went to the Cathay Amateur Radio Club today. I met some of the HAMs, ate great food, participated in the raffle, and had a great time!
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